
What about pockets?

Published on: 01/31/2022 by Nataša Spasić



How many times have you reached down to the sides of your outfit in desperate need of a place to put your keys, phone or lipstick, only to find that it's not equipped with pockets. UGH!


The fashion industry has been keeping a dirty little secret for years- they don't want you to have clothes with accessible pockets simply because the revenue acquired from purses is too big to ignore. No pockets on garments means you’ll be forced to carry around a purse for your personal items. And let’s not pretend like we don't simultaneously try to match our purses with the outfit we’re wearing. Yes, it’s all part of the fashion industry's plan to make you, the consumer, buy more of their product. 


Don’t be fooled by industry tactics. You deserve the luxury of clothes with pockets. 


When we started the creation of the Hoodie Collection, the first thing we thought about was how we could make these hoodies not only comfortable but also convenient for everyday tasks. Built like a robe, our hoodies are long, cozy and equipped with deep pockets that are perfect for pretty much anything you are holding in your hands.


Imagine you’re cooking dinner, and you’ve opened a window to air out the kitchen. You’re frantically running back and forth from the stove, to the fridge, to the chopping board. Your kitchen island is filled with food, oils and flour. Where can you keep your phone? Inside of your beautifully deep pocket! You reach into the sides of your hoodie and voila- your phone with the recipe is there! Then, without hassle you slide it back in when you're done. Easy. 


Or, imagine you’re working on a creative project in your art studio. You need a place to put your tools so that you can access them right when you need them.


This also works for when you are outside taking a walk on the beach and you want to feel the soft hug of a fleece hoodie but also need a functional pouch to carry your keys, wallet and sunblock. 


There’s no limit to what you can carry in your pockets.


Just remember, we don’t need all these extra items the fashion industry tricks us into buying. All you really need is one great piece of clothing with practical attachments. 


Think about how much money and closet space you can save with one sustainable hoodie with deep pockets that will last you for years to come.

Sustainability is More than a Fashion Trend, it's a Lifestyle.

Published on: 02/01/2022 by Nataša Spasić


The biggest advantage of owning a small business is having control over how the products are created and produced. Most big fashion brands completely destroy the environment with their overproduction and fast fashion attitude. 


Look, I get it, it’s cheaper to buy from Forever21, H&M, and even Zara then it is to invest in a one of a kind garment that was locally sourced and hand made with care. But think about the quality of garments every time you buy from a place like Forever21. They rip, they’re uncomfortable and they might last you five years at best. What kind of message are we sending to the younger generation when we buy from places that pollute the very air we need to breathe in order to sustain life on Earth? 


The problem is evident- we have way too much and we simply don’t need it all. 


Too many times we were tricked by a beautiful looking cheap item, just to bring it home and watch it fall apart. And what good are a hundred pieces of clothing that you bought on sale, when they’re just going to be collecting dust in your closet?


Now, think about the most comfortable piece of clothing you own. Do you wear it almost daily? Do you tell your friends about it? Does it make you feel good about the impact you’re making on the environment? Do you sometimes even sleep in it? 


We want you to feel good about yourself while being hugged in something comfortable, without compromising on a luxurious look and feel. 


Daphne Tooley believes that every single garment should be just that. Our brand's main focus is sustainability. Some of the pieces we’ve made in house have come from fabric collected over twenty years ago. We hand make every piece with the help of the glorious Brother sewing machine. Each stitch is carefully sewn into cloth, while making sure it looks great against the garment. 


We don’t believe in cheap fabric. Our fabric comes from carefully selected small business fabric stores here in San Francisco. We make long lasting connections with the business owners and work together to find the best fabric for our garments. Because we work with other small businesses around the area, it’s often hard to get the exact color that a customer wants. So we mainly stick to custom orders and we work with the customer to see if they’re interested in other colors and designs.   

Cheap fabric is the biggest irritant in the fashion industry. Some brands will buy cheap fabric just to manufacture it at a higher price to the consumer. This is not only cruel to the environment but also your pocket. You end up paying the price while falling victim to overpay. The worst part is that the more money these companies make, the greedier they become. They don’t want to lose money, so they have to make more in order to fit the news of their gluttonous lifestyle. 


The next time you buy fast fashion, think about the impact on the environment as well as your pocket. Would you rather buy one expensive amazing thing once and have it forever, or a bunch of cheap things each month just to find the fabric massacred by your washing machine a couple of days later? 


The future depends on your buying habits.

Work with Small Businesses.

Published on: 02/03/2022 by Nataša Spasić


The problem with big businesses is that, well, they’re big. Sure, you may be getting exactly what you want from their often restocked pages, but you’re also compromising your own taste, and paying a huge price. 


See, the way big fashion brands make money is by overproducing styles that were often created by knocking off an independent designer. Which means, they pick your style for you and they market it to you in a way that works for their business. They have more employees to pay, and bigger locations to rent out, so they’ve constructed their business model based on money and not necessarily based on your needs as a consumer. 


In mid-January of 2020, the popular influencer Danielle Bernstein and business owner of We Wore What, was called out by Diet Prada for exactly this. Diet Prada is the Instagram account acting as fashion watchdog on a mission to call out copycat design, and has amassed quite a following on its crusade to expose fashion foul play.


Sustainable fashion influencer Jade Myers of @fashionwithouttrashin and the owner behind Poshmark resell account Ornamental Stone took to her Instagram to explain that We Wore What influencer Danielle Bernstein was threatening to shut down her business over an internal error that led to Myers acquiring unreleased samples from Berstein’s upcoming collection with Onia (WWD).


Bernstein claimed that the garments were accidentally dropped off at a local Goodwill by one of her employees and that she needed them back because they were a part of her unreleased Onia collection. She offered to pay for the garments but not full resale price. Since Myers is a small business owner, she used her own funds on photography, model and website work. She needed the money to support her business as well as her employees. In the end, with the help of Diet Prada and Instagram, the two came to a mutual understanding, but not without a fight.


Without modern technology, who knows where Myers small business would be now. Most likely nonexistent. 


This is a prime example of why we need to support small businesses and the workers who are employed within them. 


Then we also need to think about the employees. In big businesses, the employees are treated unfairly and they receive poor pay cuts. Usually these employees are sitting in factories overworking themselves for a minimum wage salary. Not to mention that big businesses utilize workers in poorer countries like Bangladesh, Turkey and China to do all their dirty work for them, while paying them pennies for that hard work. 


Bernstein was able to throw her employee under the bus, she was able to make it seem like none of the misunderstanding was her fault. While Meyers fought for her employees, making sure they were paid fairly, showing them the respect they deserve. This is the difference between small business and big business focus. 


The next time you’re tempted to buy from a well established brand, think about where your clothes are actually coming from? Who are you helping and what price are you really paying for that garment?


What's the deal with Fast Fashion?

Published on: 02/11/2022 by Nataša Spasić


Fast fashion is probably the leading generator of polution and unfair labor pay. 


So, why do most shoppers endulge in shops like SheinZara, H&M Group, UNIQLO, GAP, Forever 21, Topshop, Esprit, Primark, Fashion Nova, and New Look?


Perhaps it's the quick way their business model works, or because it's cheap. But even when we buy cheap, we still pay the expensive price of polluting our air and taking part in unfair pay to the factory workers who work for pennies a day. 


Sure, that cheaply made shirt may look ghood on you the day you buy it, but think about the work someone else had to do to get you that cheap shirt. Is the deal you make with fash fashion worth the negative outcome and the real price you pay?

Think before you shop.

Look Book All Season 2022

Published on: 02/12/2022 by Nataša Spasić




Why You Should Opt In For A Fleece Hoodie This Year.

Published on: 02/13/2022 by Nataša Spasić


Whether it be Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter, you can’t deny the comfort of a good fleece hoodie. 


Here in San Francisco, we don’t have seasons, but we sure do have that harsh wind almost all year round. As a local, you know that going to the beach can be a hassle if you don’t have the appropriate clothing. Sometimes it’s warm, but other times it's windy. Most of the time you show up while it’s cold but the sun comes out and you're sweating while the sun kisses your body. 


We have the solution for this bipolar weather! 


Our long fleece hoodie comes with a double zipper so that you can conveniently zip up or down, based on what you're wearing underneath. The hoodie is perfect for acting as a throw on for a swimsuit, wet suit or your typical yoga and sports wear. The hoodie is equipped with deep pockets for your personal items like Iphone, keys, snacks, sunscreen and camera. They act like mini purses and are really handy. We’ve also added faux fur on the cuffs of the very long sleeves, for extra cozy comfort. 


These hoodies are perfect for any outdoor activity and can be rolled up into a pillow or spread out into a blanket for when you want to take a rest on the beach. 


Why let the unpredictable San Francisco weather ruin your beach outing when you can simply get one of our long fleece hoodies and stay comfortable all day long? 

The Process of Creation and Why Our Pieces Are Pricey.

Published on: 02/14/2022 by Nataša Spasić


Oftentimes when we look at a pricey product, we don’t necessarily understand all of the work that goes into the process of that product, so we opt in for something cheaper instead. 


Would your mind change if you knew the hours of work that went into that product? Would you feel proud to wear a handmade piece that someone carefully crafted with all the talent and patience they had? 


In our Fleece Hoodie collection, it takes an amazing 300 hours, about two weeks, just to complete one hoodie. That’s a lot of work!


Let’s look at the breakdown of the process, shall we?


First, we carefully source the fabric. Usually from a local fabric store in downtown San Francisco.


Then we start working on creating the pattern. The designer uses pattern paper to draw out the pattern and slowly traces in thin pencil lines with a sharpie, so that she can see it clearer. This usually takes around four days to perfect, as it has to look exactly the way she wants it to look in order to be sewn up.


Next, we sew up the test garment. The designer ensures that the test garment is exactly the way she wants it to be, so that it can be used for the final product in the next step.


After we’ve got the pattern set, and the test garment is exactly the way it’s supposed to be, we move on to..grading the pattern. We have to grade the pattern into different sizes. 


Then we refine the pattern so that it will fit each size that we have in our selection. This is why custom orders usually take a little bit more time than regular orders. 


After all of this work comes the sewing part. This is usually done partly by the sewing machine and the other part by hand. It’s better to hand stitch smaller details for a firmer hold. 


And then woila! You’ve got yourself a one of a kind, sustainable hoodie from our Fleece Hoodie collection.

Interview with our Designer.

Published on: 02/15/2022 by Nataša Spasić


What was the inspiration behind the Fleece Hoodie collection?


DTD: I found myself living in my bathrobe! Especially when the Covid Pandemic hit, and we were all stuck at home, I had no reason to put on uncomfortable clothes. 


I also like to swim and was looking for something that was easy to throw over my bathing suit. I can have the hoodie on and be changing the clothes underneath.


Where do you wear it most?


DTD: Everywhere. After I'm done swimming and working out. I wear it to work, the grocery store and running errands of any nature. 

It’s big enough to slip a sweater underneath when I want that extra warmth. 


How do you wash it?


DTD: Machine wash cold and dry regularly.

To keep the fur looking nice- I zip it up and I pull the ties for the hood really tight, so the fur doesn’t go fur side out. By keeping the fur protected as it's washing, it stays nice and fluffy.


What do you like most about the hoodie?


DTD: I love the extra long sleeves because they can protect your hands from the cold. And if it's not that cold I can easily roll back the sleeves. 

I’m also in love with the oversized hood because it keeps my ears nice and warm from that San Fran wind. 


What is your goal for this collection? 


DTD: My goal is to provide people with a luxurious comfortable option to their every day wardrobe. Something they’ll enjoy and wear for a long time. 


I made my blue hoodie five years ago and I still wear it every day. So I know that it will last you a long time!


Why are our long hoodies great for surfers?

Published on: 02/20/2022 by Nataša Spasić


Here in San Francisco, we are big fans of the ocean and all the fun activities that come along with being at the beach. 


Surfing, swimming, volleyball and long walks are all part of the San Fran beach experience. But we also have that harsh wind and of course who could forget Karl, the fog. 


As nice as it is living near the beach, it’s not always fun to pack winter gear for a beach outing.


If you’ve ever experienced that cold breeze while enjoying a long surf, then you know what we’re talking about. 


Have we got a solution for you! 


Our long hoodies consist of insulated fleece fabric which will keep your body warm and protected from the wind. We added extra long fluffy cuffs to the sleeves which can fold to accommodate your arm length. As well as a double zipper for when you want to change bathing suits inside of the hoodie without anybody seeing. There's a pretty deacently sized fleece hood that will keep your head protected from the cold air  while you're walking your surf board to your car or house. They’ve also got deep pockets for you to put your personal items into while you're taking a stroll on the beach.


Why let the weather ruin your surf when you can comfortably pull one of our hoodies over your wetsuit, bathing suit or simply use it as a blanket after you’ve taken your suits off. 


We have multiple color options such as pale pink, blue, green and red for adults and yellow, blue, pink and blue for kids. The hoodies can also be embroidered with small flowers if you’d like to personalize them a little more. 


Shopping during the Covid Pandemic.

Published on: 02/27/2022 by Nataša Spasić


Have you noticed a huge difference in the way you shop now vs. how you used to shop before the Pandemic hit? Would you say that your shopping habits have changed from in store shopping to spending hours online and obtaining your favorite collections with the click of a button?


If this is your case, and for most of us it is, have you wondered why there's such a dramatic shift in our shopping habits? 


Simply put, our habits have changed due to the technological advances that were imposed upon us during lockdown. For a long time, we were all forced to stay cozied up in our homes, watching television for entertainment, using apps like Uber Eats and Grub Hub to feed ourselves and of course utilizing the internet to buy anything we needed from clothes to furniture. 


Many of us were so caught up in the fearful distraction of the vitrus, that we didn't even notice how drastically our lives changed within a year. This shows how effective one simple historical moment can be in altering our most basic habits. 


We know that Amazon is a big contributor to pollution and unfair pay. Yet we chose to buy from them day after day, due to its convenience. 


We invite you to try something different. Try to buy from small local businesses. Usually, those are the places where staff are treated respectfully, and the creators put in massive effort into their work. The prices of a private designer may be slightly more expensive than your average Amazon sale, but you won't be compromising on pay fairness, garment quality or the climate status of our planet.


Next time you buy online, think about what’s important to you and how you’ll be changing the world with a single click of a button. Will you be affecting our planet in a positive or negative notation?

Want Fluffy, Comfortable Corsets? We Have Them!

Published on: 03/03/2022 by Nataša Spasić


We know you love the look of a tightly fitted corset. But do you love how it feels against your soft and sensitive skin? How the sharp wires press against your rib cage? You probably don't- because being suffocated by your clothing is not fun. 


Here at Daphne Tooley, our head designer worked really hard to bring you something luxurious and soft. A form fitting fluffy corset that makes all the other corsets feel like placing your beautiful body behind bar cells. The inside is lined with 100% silk, with every wear you’ll feel like you’re being wrapped with a garden of tulips. The outside is created with comfortable plush, which is sewn in with subtle wire to give you that form fitted look, without squeezing the breath out of your body. 


Beauty doesn’t always have to be painful. Let’s face it, we have enough pain in our current society. There are countless ads telling us that in order to feel beautiful, we have to sacrifice feeling healthy and comfortable. This is simply not the case, and we should no longer allow the media to interpret our standard for beauty. 


At Daphne Tooley Design, we believe that comfort should never be compromised for the price of beauty. We know that feeling your best is important when looking your best. We know that this era is the turnaround for women everywhere- we know that the women in modern society work harder than most men. Women achieve greater lengths than we were ever allowed to do so in the past. So, there’s no reason to conform to clothing that held us back in the past. 


We work hard, we play hard, but we deserve to feel and look soft. 


Grab one of our exclusive corsets from our website shop today!


Join Us On TikTok.

Published on: 03/06/2022 by Nataša Spasić


Do you enjoy countless hours scrolling on TikTok? Do you tend to get an overload of information from all sides of the site, from celebrities and strangers? 


We do too!


We love Tiktok, so we decided to create our own. 


Join us on our platform DaphneTooleyDesign!


We look forward to seeing you on our feed.

Silk, Silk and More Silk!

Published on: 03/10/2022 by Nataša Spasić


Here at Daphne Tooley Design we loove a good silk skirt, top and jacket. Some of our favorite pieces we’ve made have come from rare silk finds from the local fabric store. It’s truly amazing the things you can find in San Francisco!


The dragon suit in particular was born from a lucky silk find in the Mission. I came to the fabric store that day to look for chiffon and woila- the most beautiful silk fabric with dragons appeared before my eyes. I knew I had to have it, and I knew I had to create from it. 


The first piece I made from the silk dragon was a pink mini skirt. I added a zipper and a button to the front. The skirt had to have friends so I made a flowy silk-chiffon top with long sleeves and buttons down the middle. Then of course, a jacked was needed to go along with the whole thing. I think this jacket took me around 80 hours to make. It has a silk lining inside as well as the silk dragon design on the outside. It resembles a cropped jacket and consists of two long sleeves with fluffy plush cuffs. The cuffs are wide and heavy, perfect for dancing and waving your beautiful arms in the air. 


Some of the places where I’ve loved wearing this outfit have been to music shows and festivals, raves, the museum, art galleries and dinners around our gorgeous city. 


The feeling I’ve gotten wearing these comfortable silk pieces have been indescribably positive. Everybody wants to know who the girl in the dragon jacket is.


Fashion in the Metaverse

Published on: 03/13/2022 by Nataša Spasić


It’s no secret that these past two years have drastically changed the way we operate in the world today. Habits have dramatically shifted from real life into virtual reality. And of course, fashion followed. 


We’ve seen brands like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Balenciaga, Nike and Burberry dip their toe into the metaverse. Virtual fashion offers the general public a new way to buy, clothe and sell, with the click of a few buttons. While this may be a techno nuisance for those who believe in real life quality, we invite you to think about digital fashion a little differently. 


It’s true that fast fashion has completely destroyed the planet with its fumes, excessive manufacturing and not to mention the unfair pay for factory workers who assemble those cheap garments. 


It’s true that big time designers burn last season collections in order to maintain the longevity of price. It’s true that these are all contributing factors for air pollution. 


However, metaverse may have uncovered a simple way to eliminate these issues by moving fashion into the digital world. 


If we sell, buy and wear clothes from and for virtual reality, perhaps excessive consumerism wont have so much effect on the real world as much anymore. Perhaps there lays a silver lining in the tech plague afterall. 


Think about the overall effect your habits have on our planet. If fashion is something you are enthusiastic and passionate about, maybe it’s time to dip into the metaverse and see what brands are offering.


Where Does Our Inspiration Come From?

Published on: 03/15/2022 by Nataša Spasić

Originality, creativity and passion. What do those words have in common? They’re all key components of the work we put into our handcrafted garments. Daphne takes her time to carefully pick fabrics that she thinks will best work with her most recent sketch. She hand stitches some parts and uses a classic Brother machine to sew up the rest. Learning room for improvement with every garment she creates. 


But where does Daphne Tooley acquire her inspiration from? 


Some of DTD ideas have come from her childhood days. Where she remembers how her mother used to look and dress. Most of the suits we make are inspired from the 60s fashion era. Not too tight, not too bright and most importantly- a skirt is present with every top. Very femme chic! 


Some of the inspiration comes from daily walks through San Francisco, where the power of nature and architecture overtakes and Daphne gets an idea to create a similar look.


But the most creative bits have come from her love for animals. We have a custom made silk-chiffon dress inspired solely by her love for snakes. When she was younger, DTD had a pet snake. He was a little ballpoint Python and she remembers observing his movements and colors and thinking he was the coolest little guy on the block. From her love for her snake, came the gorgeous Snake Dress. It is like nothing you’ve ever seen before. She started out with a see through corset, comfortable enough to wear without squeezing your insides. Then she draped chiffon fabric on the bottom, cutting out little snake bite like slits on the skirt. The finishing touches include little snakes all throughout the dress, which have red crystals for eyes. 


Pretty neat design! And it looks gorgeous on any woman who wears it.